Friday, October 8, 2010

a chocolate brown marley.

we just witnessed a real life chocolate brown marley & me.

I have a soft spot in my heart for older dogs. very old dogs make me sad... I know what it means when a dog is "too old" and it breaks my heart.

dogs are family members. they are loved like family members and love in the most unconditional way. they listen to anything and everything, wipe tears with their fluffy ears and always know when something is wrong... or something is wonderful. they just know.

we walked into the vet for lilly bean's annual exam and updated vaccines to see the most beautiful old, chocolate lab with a gray hair all around her nose and eyes. a sweet gentle face. old eyes. and two humans, tearful, who clearly love her with their whole hearts.

the vet was running a little behind so the dear gentleman at the front desk addressed them both by name and offered them to take some time outside together. they walked thankfully out the door, embraced and helped their 4 legged friend walk to a grassy patch.

then they cried.

and then I cried, in the vet, holding lilly with boat shoes by my side.
heartache for two complete strangers.


Kate Carpenter said...

owh. i just teared up.

katy said...

and now i'm almost crying! is there a happy ending? LIke they got to take marley home for a few more days? ohhhh sadness. I DREAD the day that we are in that place...I just prefer to believe that Crosby and Ellie will live FOREVA :)