Wednesday, September 12, 2012

well well well...

As some of you have noticed, William's World is flourishing. Pictures and expressions, movement and wishes, moments and memories.... Flips Flops and Boat Shoes has been resting.... BUT NOW.... we are BACK! To catch you up since the last post, there has been a lot of change in the Flip Flops and Boat Shoes world... ~Boat Shoes was offered an awesome opportunity with his new company to move South... at the very end of my maternity leave ~We traveled to Charlotte, NC looked at 21 homes in 3 days and decided on one lovely home that we adore ~I left a job that I ADORED with patients and families that taught me more than I will ever be able to articulate ... to move back down south to my roots ... bitter sweet. ~We moved. With a 5 month old. Yes, that was an adventure (see William's world for photos) ~We began living the "home office, but traveling alot" world for boat shoes and SAHM for flip flops. SAHM = Stay at Home Mom. aka: what I imagined would be the DREAM. ~SAHM world: pool time, meet new friends and baby time, library story time, play time, nap time, unpacking... mind you, when you list it out it looks lovely; however, I was MISSING my patients, adult interaction, these things didn't happen every day and I needed a little something more... for me and for WCL to interact with some little friends his own age! ~enter... "everything happens for a reason" adventure... MY NEW WORLD. Teaching children about literature, reading stories, creating adventures with words and loving every minute. So this blog is not only going to continue with the many adventures of Flip Flops, Boat Shoes and baby boat shoes... but with little sprinklings of ideas and suggestions for Children's Literature and instilling a love of reading in children at a young age! stay tuned...


Julie said...

Yay for a peak at your new professional life!

This girl is an elementary ed teacher. She did this super fun post on children's books a while back: Such a great list!

KW said...

So excited to hear about your new fun adventures! Best of luck!