Wednesday, August 7, 2013

20 months old...

Sweetest pea... how can it be?! 20 months old! My goodness... you are closer to a 2 year old than a 1 year old! My, oh my! You Love... -Fire engines. -Trucks. all kinds of trucks... and you are teaching your mom. "No mommy, front end loader!" -Water. Swimming. bath time. water table. -Trains. Every train is Thomas the train! You watched Thomas for the first time and couldn't believe he actually moves! -Books. you sleep with them every night. -Snacks. you have an opinion these days and make your own decisions... string cheese, crackers, yogurt and pears are among your favorites. MILK! -Rocking at night with mommy or daddy. -Your friends. You talk about them all of the time! Some school friends... Katelyn, Annie, Mila, Anderson, Tripp, Claire... Some neighborhood friends... Jacob, Chase and Grayson... Playgroup friends... Miller, Emma, Carolina, Cole, Jack... and some life friends... Molly, Elizabeth Grace, Charlie, Charlotte, Lucas, Eliza, Cooper, Brayden, Collin, Francie, Jack, Noah....and the list goes on! You are such a fun little guy! -Time with family... Uncle Bentley, Aunt Jesseeeca, Uncle Brandon, Bonnie, "Aunt Meal" (Camille), Cousin Sam, Granny gina, auntie kate... and of course...Lolly, Pop, Chiqui and Papi! You talk about them all of the time and love seeing them! -Playing outside -Flying on airplanes -Seeing animals at the zoo -Coloring (you know all of your colors although orange is a very tricky color!) -talking about shapes (you also know your shapes and point them out often!) -Singing... some of your favorites include 1. baa baa black sheep 2. wheels on the bus 3. twinkle twinkle 4. Jesus loves me 5. the itsy bitsy spider 6. thumbkin 7. apples and bananas 8. Shoo fly 9. oh mr. sun 10. eieiooo (old mcdonald had a farm) -Your puppies! You help feed them, you pet them so sweetly and call them when they are outside (only occasionally do you hit them with your pretend golf clubs and end up in time out... oops!) You say... Everything! You repeat everything we say and then some! A few favorites include.. Rooster = "cocka doo doo" "hold you" "stand up" (while holding you, you don't want us to sit down.. you would rather be on the go!) "close the door" We have had a few OOPSIES with words you have repeated... everyone has to be G rated around you! things you don't love right now... Getting your hair cut! Getting your diaper changed in the morning Getting in the car seat without a snack! Visiting the doctors office (after you were in the hospital for 3 days when you were 17 months old, doctors visits are hard work) Time out... even just 1 minute is really hard! You have an opinion... About what you wear (your fire engine pajamas are your favorite... you would wear them all the time if you could!), about what shoes you wear (you love your red shoes), about who you want to pray for, about what you will and will not eat... we love seeing your little personality shine! YOU are such a SWEET boy! you love to cuddle... you say "snuggle mommy" at night time and say "I love you" with such tenderness... you sing songs with us, you "read" your favorite opposite books to us... you are a dear friend and love to check on others when they are crying or sad... we adore you and love seeing the little boy you are becoming (although slow down a little buddy!) xoxo, mommy and daddy

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