Sunday, March 21, 2010

life happens.

Sometimes there are little reminders that life happens.

We have had two lately...

1. mri results

2. a phone call

Let me explain...

1. After the BBL half marathon I felt great... except for my right knee. That night I was in excruciating pain. Derek had to give me piggy back rides down the stairs... I was frustrated, disheartened but hopeful ice and advil would help me prevail. But after the chief of sports medicine at a local hospital saw me and ordered an MRI of my knee and told me I may not run no matter what, the hope started fading. And then the results... "it is almost a stress fracture. it is what we call a medial proximal stress injury caused by significant distances and running. no running... for 4 to 6 weeks... and no marathon." I have been digesting that information for about a week and am just now able to talk about it without getting teary. Angel and I have also picked a marathon to run in December... which will give me plenty of time to heal and to train. Stay tuned.

2. A phone call from the owners of our home letting us know, it is going on the market in 4 months. We can either buy it, or move. Now with "Boat Shoes" owning a home in NC already it does not make sense for us to own two homes, so that leaves us with one choice... find an adorable new home with a fenced in backyard for our little Lilly Bean.

Life happens. We make plans and sometimes we are reminded that the best made plans will sometimes change.. and that my friends is when we remember, life happens.

The next house will be more adorable ... and the next marathon will be just as wonderful as this one would have been.


Anonymous said...

Eeks, BBL, so much news in a short time period. You are right though, there are other marathons to be run and other cute houses in live in.

Thinking of you guys and sending lots of love!

katy said...

i am happy to come help transform whatever house you find into cuteness. i almost feel like i have mastered it, as I am a total witness to 'life happening'. and your mom and i can have sewing club to make you fun pillows or whatever else!
so sad for the marathon news...but you will be rested and ready for the next one! let me know what your running/walking/cheering plans are for saturday!

Sam White said...

Oh no, LML!! I am sorry for all of the icky news!

But, I have 100% faith that you will soon be living in a super cute home and training for a fabulous marathon!!