Wednesday, July 21, 2010


sometimes people surprise you. sometimes it makes you happy... and sometimes not so much.

In the past two days I have had both.

surprise #1: (the kind that you dont like to have..)

ew. so I am at the gym in the express line at the weights. now, typically you go in order with this progression. so I start at the beginning bopping around. Well this man (in tight biker shorts... ew) hops in right behind me. Fine, no problem. I am easy going. Until... I then skip and go to the next machine and he GLARES at me. I state, "Oh I'm sorry were you about to use this." "Well I WAS going to use it but clearly not anymore." So I state in a very calm and kind voice, "I'm sorry sir why don't you go right ahead." ... and I marched my self right over to a completely different section. ew. he should really be a bit nicer at the gym.

surprise #2: (the wonderful kind...)

"tickets passes, tickets passes" - train conductor

"Crap. where is my train pass? in here? nope. in here? nope. in my lunchbag? nope. In my shoe? nope. crap." - me

"do you have cash? - amelia

"oh great... no I don't have cash. this is super." - me

"Here you go ma'am. I have an extra ticket" - extremely kind gentleman sitting next to me

"Oh no sir, I cant accept this ticket. thank you but I cant accept it." - me

"No no please. take it." - extremely kind gentleman

"Well then I will pay it forward. I will start keeping an extra ticket for the next person that this same thing happens to..." -me

"Sounds good. have a nice evening." - again extremely kind gentleman

and then... I saw him again today! we are now officially train friends. He is approximately 68 years old, very serious looking business man that helped a bee bopping little ole me in my cute flower headband get home. What a great surprise.


Camille said...

That is a fun story about the train!!! Not so much the gym! Ew is right! Hope you are doing well!!!

Unknown said...

Where was your train pass? did you find it? We heart that nice man!
Love, mom