Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Franklin Fountain

What a wonderful Saturday in the city! I enjoyed seeing my dear friend Katy, Virginia Vines, and her sweet family. Her parents recently moved to Philly, which we are all celebrating! They are closer to Katy and Hunter, therefore, closer when "baby girl" is born... and... they are a hop, skip and a jump from Boat Shoes and I!

My family is close to Katy and now her family is close to us... we feel very blessed! If we can't have our own families, we might as well have each others! We had a great time catching up, talking about everything babies, and spending time together at the Franklin Fountain complete with a waffle cone and mint chip ice-cream. They Young family had two very happy pregnant ladies on their hands!

1 comment:

Kate Carpenter said...

You both look beautiful and happy =) <3 KateCarp