Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mom Flip Flops and Pam visit Philly!


My mom and one of her very best friends love traveling together! When Pam mentioned she has never traveled to Philadelphia, my mom decided that would be a perfect trip. They arrived via Amtrak on a Thursday and over a long weekend we adventured all over!

While I was working one day they enjoyed the city, breakfast at Bonte, Liberty Bell, Reading Terminal Market, and the Constitution Center with sweet Boat Shoes!

We all adventured to Lancaster, PA together to learn about the Amish community and tour one of the farms. Two interesting facts we learned... 1. the women do not sew their dresses together, they are held together by pins and 2. every family keeps a bed or couch in their kitchen so when their children are sick they can still be with the family. Mom and Pam both having taught elementary aged children for years loved the school house!

We also enjoyed one of our favorite italian restaurants, Cafe San Pietro, in Ardmore, PA and had a big CHEERS to dear friends and baby Thump Thump!
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1 comment:

Julie said...

Held together with pins?! How funny!