Wednesday, February 24, 2010

'Boat Shoes' from 34,000 feet

It's not often that the 'Boat Shoes' half of "Flip Flops n' Boat Shoes" shares a story and I hope that this meets the editor's approval. I couldn't pass up sharing about a first time experience. 30 years into life, it's not everyday that something new and cool comes along that you want to immediately share, but today is unique like that.

Enroute to the TargetX Conference in Atlanta, I am blogging at our cruising altitude of 34,000 feet on Airtran Flight 345, and this is so cool!

First facebook, then gmail, now blogging, and the beverage cart just delivered a diet coke... I could get used to this!

There are a few things I feel like I should mention:
1. Yes, frequent flier friends wrote posts about this months ago, but it's my first time and it's awesome.
2. It might be cooler because I just expensed the $4.95 charge to work, and
3. I haven't decided if I'll actually do any work.

It's not everyday that something new and cool comes along... what was the last thing that really impressed you? Was it a new simple pleasure? A new gadget? In-flight wi-fi?

1 comment:

katy said...

So fun! We tried to buy that on the way to Cancun so we could play "words" on Hunter's iPhone but they told us we would lose the signal once we left the US. Bummer. But we were going to Mexico so I had to let it go. :) Hope you had a fun time in Hotlanta!