Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dance your cares away, worry's for another day...

Let the music play... Down at Fraggle Rock!

Jim Henson's Fantastic World is a traveling exhibit that is well worth a visit! Derek and I traveled to Doylestown, PA to visit this exhibit at the James A Michener Art Museum with my dear friend Mel from college and her sister Mary. It was a fascinating exhibit filled with a historical perspective of the Muppet's including original drawings and actual muppets...We didnt know what to expect and who the exhibit was geared towards, however, we were pleasantly surprised!

Who knew that the original Kermit the frog was created from Jim's mothers coat and a ping pong ball?!

The drawings and thoughts from Jim Henson were interesting...Grover was originally purple...the first Bert and Ernie looked NOTHING like they do currently... and Cookie Monster had some pretty scary looking teeth. We were interested that there were many spiral notebooks with Jim Henson's doodlings and random story lines for Sesame Street. There were also many pages of his random thoughts about characters and ideas for both Sesame Street as well as Fraggle rock. I would highly suggest this exhibit to anyone able to visit... it is traveling around the country so check some of the museums near you!

Life's fun when you're having flies.
I've got a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. - Kermit the Frog

1 comment:

Melissa said...

love it! Can't wait to do it again soon.