Sunday, August 22, 2010

my experiment continues...

Let's start where we left off with Caitlyn, my angel of a nurse. She was phenomenal. I hit a bit of a wall before surgery... pain... the driest mouth I have EVER had.... weak... and just feeling horrible. Caitlyn was wonderful. attentive, kind, friendly.. and then... she brought in a huge cluster of balloons :) from sweet Susan and Andy... and then tells me happy news... we are moving to my OWN ROOM! ( I think i took a picture... there was a print on the wall of the ocean so I kept thanking Caitlyn for my ocean front room!)

So I meet more people..

Caitlyn and another nurse moved me

Derrick - the patient care tech that let me use mouth swabs and stayed on top of my pain

and then time to go to the OR... I spent much less time with these individuals but they were a VERY important part of the process

2 ladies to transport me - not the best drivers but a funny team

Surgical resident working with my attending (thank goodness not the one from the ER.. she was attentive and reassuring to me, Derek, and mom* who arrived about 4 minutes before I went to the pre-op area, way to go mom!)

OR nurse going over history

Anesthesiologist -so kind and comforting. informative and answered all of my many questions. as we went back to the OR, he talked to me the entire time and even kept talking to me once in the OR. terrific bedside manner.

In the OR (that I know of...) in addition to the resident, attending, anesthesiologist, and nurse I met... there were at least 3 other people... no idea who they were or what they were doing (odd to think of that...)

In recovery - I had 3 different nurses. One who was very attentive when I came out of the OR ... and she discovered my IV wasn't working well (pain meds were not working)... so found another nurse to come start a new IV. IV nurse - she was awesome. first stick; quick; and appropriate amount of tape! Final nurse, a great advocate for getting me back to my room! I was awake, asking for ice chips and looking at a bunch of people that were NOT awake & kind of needy. I was listening to all of the nurses and giggling with them :)

Transport - 1 more new nurse and a tech moved me. he was the best driver yet.

New bedside nurse - Nicole - hilarious. young and fun! she helped me change into a tshirt and pj pants and my OWN socks! feeling like a real person again! She was chatty and kept us company for a bit!

Next bedside nurse - not my favorite. an older woman that came in and announced she is not a big fan of medicine for pain or nausea. Great. we will be a good pair.. or not. enter... long night.

however, my patient care tech, Courtni, overnight was phenomenal. She was chatty and while mom and Derek ran home for a bit I showed her pics of the puppies and talked about her getting a little Yorkie. at one point I apologized for being high maintenance (at about 3 am) and the next time she came in states, "so, high maintenance whatcha need now!" she kept us laughing and even though my nurse wasn't on the ball.. she was. I am reminded that we are not given more than we can handle.


resident working with my attending (but a new one) - comes in to go over discharge and medication.

new nurse - Debbie - old school and awesome. blunt and to the point. up out of bed, walking and eating. but take your time! exactly what I needed.

new tech - She only came in once but was kind and quick.

TRANSPORT OUTSIDE. the final person I met.

that totals...
37 people.

So 3 days...1 surgery... 37 people.

and now I am HOME.

messages, flowers, balloons, magazines... OH MY! thank you to all of my dear dear friends and family for all of your love, prayers and kind support!


KW said...

So glad all went well and that you are home recovering! Love you BB!!!

Meaghan said...

This might be the best set of blog posts yet! Kind of read like many commercials I know. Glad you're fully "resuscitated" now and on the mend. That just makes me laugh! :)